
雖然曾經有那麼一秒  我忘記自己曾經是個 English major...

在亞洲 "you’ll never get a job with an English degree" 當然不成立
不過看到 Monster 的文章 還是好奇 what are the jobs for English majors?

Gray in trade organization: Remember the key overarching skill your degree gives you -- effective communication. "Don’t be intimidated by those who constantly stress the supposed impracticalities of an English degree," he says. "Many liberal arts majors are impractical in the commercial sense, but the key is to use the tools of writing, speaking and communicating effectively and to your advantage."

Duggan in PR: Make your writing ability the secret weapon of your job search correspondence. (communication as well)

Dresdale in PR: "Look at it as a major that will be desirable to all employers in all fields," she says. "English classes teach you to write well, deal with large amounts of reading and think analytically. These abilities are an asset to any employer." (read well, write well, speak well, blah blah blah...)

在美國工作時認識的系上學姊 E 也是出身廣告業, 現在在公司負責 Internet Marketing...
大部分的大學同學都投身百年樹人的志業... some Publishing...

雖然說語文能力是必備的要件, 不過也是 an asset everyone owns, 不是嗎?
畢竟它也不是一個那麼難以取代的稀少品... 會英文的在亞洲多的是, 英文好的也不在少數
比起 hardcore skills -- 學有專精的專業知識 be it programming, physiology, or any kind of -ology --
英文不就是什麼都好 也什麼都不好? 英文受重視到在現在 不就是喪失了那份不可替代性?
它是必要的, but it's not gonna take you anywhere further than that, is it?

好啦~ 我的反省文... 套句yabi 的話 "想太多...!!!"


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